Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Holidays

The Holidays are fast approaching and Thanksgiving 2007 is history, the stores are jamming up with people that are rushing to get everything on their shopping list and then some more...

The Christmas Holiday in the conservative sense seems no longer cherished and appreciated. The rush of the holidays has taken over the true meaning of Christmas.

For me, the time spent at home with my family is a time to be cherished. There's nothing like having your loved ones around you, seeing their smiling faces, sharing their thoughts and feelings, having fun with different activities and games.

Speaking of activities, our tree is finally finished. This happens to be our first tree in the three years we have been happily married.

We hope the true love of the one who came to earth to be born in a Barn with animals, and offer his life as a token of exchange for our sins and grant us the gift of eternal life in heaven beside Him can be brought out from somewhere deep within us and re flourish that sentiment of love in us so the smiles on our faces overtakes us completely and continues to live in us.

Merry Christmas!


Happy Holidays!

Carmen, Marcel, & Joslyn

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!

We've been working on our Christmas Tree and thought what a wonderful idea it would be to have everyone see our happy faces.

Carmen, Marcel & Joslyn

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Father's Thoughts for Soon-to-Come Daughter

Hello Joslyn,

I know you are coming into this world and it's happening fairly quickly for us as well as for you. We are expecting you with much love and can hardly wait to see how you look. I don't know if you will ever get to read this in the future, but I am hoping that by the time you would read this you will be able to say that I did my job well.

I will want to be a great father, as I know many soon-to-become fathers are expecting they would try their best to be. I ask God to give me the wisdom to raise you in fear of Him and part of His and Our Great Love for you. You are very precious to us, even though as of right now, we have not yet seen you. I'm sure we will spend lots of time together and I want to promise you a few things. Well, here they are:

  • I will spend as much time with you as it is necessary for a father to maintain the bond with his daughter as well as provide for you the material things you need.

  • I will do my very best to be your example of a Man of God, dignity, integrity, and all that comes with that.

  • I will be your friend in your time of need and when things get rough I will not judge you but rather give you a shoulder of support.

  • If you ever don't feel welcomed, should we have dissagreements (I know we will), I want you to know your mother and I are always here for you, we love you very much, and no matter what, we will be your parents always.

  • List to be continued as needed...

If you ever look back on this know that through the struggle of your mother and I to bring you into this world, we welcome you and will always love you no matter what the future brings...

Your Loving Father

Friday, November 16, 2007

Photographer Available Around the Phoenix Area

Don't forget to visit my website at: I'll be local for a while. Starting at the beginning of December, given that we're expecting the baby, I will be around the house more often. Anyone looking for a quick portrait or would like to finally get the family portrait done look me up. I'm going to run specials on sitting fees so don't be afraid to ask.

By the way, the way I see a good Family Portrait Session going is to not only do the posed stuff, but rather to enjoy and have fun during that time. While I can do the regular sit down or stand up straight forward posing, what I enjoy doing is to give everyone a chance to play and maybe if we're at a park, we can utilize the swings and slides, and maybe the whole family can get down in the sand and build a sandcastle together. Props that you bring from home are welcomed and encouraged. I think a prop/special personal belonging says something about that person. Also, when you're having your photo taken and you're more at ease because of the atmosphere, you're more likely to be yourself, your family is more likely to be more open and excited about taking the time to actually go out and have fun. I'm just another guy that's there to witness and document the happenings. So, if you're thinking "That sounds fun and unobtrusive" look me up and I'd be glad to put you in the calendar.

Thanks for taking the time...

5 lbs, 14 oz or 2.66 Kg

The weight is in! Carmen went for a size-

determening ultra sound yesterday and the weight the Doctor determined that the baby is according to the size is 5 lbs and 14 ounces. I guess she's just about ready to come out. We're more than ever anxiously awaiting her arrival. Here are a couple of photos from the 3-Dimentional Ultra-Sound we went to last time about a month ago.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gas Prices Anybody?

So, if this is going to keep going we'll have to lower our standard of living or we could raise our prices and just pass on the cost. Well, I don't know about most of you, but I may be starting to buy the lower grade of gas. I don't really know if there's much of a difference between them. My truck doesn't go faster than 110 mph anyway.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Some Thoughts and a bit on Politics

Well, this is the first time, but I'm going to give it a try and see how it works. I'm in Bakersfield, CA travelling and I thought I could post a message on my blog as I'm trying to be pro-active in doing so even from my phone. I am away from home and I want to get back asap, but these are the circumstances right now. I'm happy I have a place to vent.

I was wondering if any of you readers know what was going on in this world? I recently asked a lot of my friends and aquaintances if they know about this law that's going to affect every one of us in the very near future. Now this is along the controversial lines of politics, but I just have to mention it.

On May 11, 2005 our President signed into law the REAL ID act which. This law is to be implemented and everyone has to have this National ID card by May 2008. That's right, by next year... as in a little over 6 months from now. Now you may not think much of it, it's just another law, right? Well, without it you won't be able to work or be employed, open up a bank account, or enter a federal building. Furthermore, the ID will contain all of the current ID/CDL information along with your medical record information, religion, and biometric data (such as fingerprint or retina scan). It will also contain an RFID chip. Why does the government want you to have this? I thought I would give you some of the clues and provide you with some of the informational links and let you discover the rest.

Verrado Neighborhood Captains - The Anderson Family

All images copr. (c) 2007

Isn't this a beautiful family? This is a photographer's dream group.

I can't stop raving about this shoot where this family was just amazingly photogenic, beautiful children, etc... Here are some of the images.

Anticipation of things to Follow

I can't believe it's already November and we're only one month away from our blessing of the future. Our little girl is due to arrive on December 11, 2007. Although I can hardly wait, there are those who cannot wait for her to come out. (Carmen for instance) Her tummy is growing what seems like exponentially while Joslyn inside her mommy is currently in preparation for the 2024 Olympics. Either that or she's remodeling the insides of her mother Carmen.

Although all of this is going on, she's a happy wife, mother, and my best friend. I thank God that He's Blessed us to be together.